Jørgen Skogmo
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Section Blog Date 120619

Porsche Pavilion

The impressive, newly opened, Porsche Pavilion in Autostadt, follows a clear design direction presenting a Simplistic, Majestic and Grand experience to the visitors. The Pavilion is Designed by Henn Architekten (architecture) and HG Merz Architekten (presentation). The building is virtually free from items that would get in the way of the main communication strategy: to show the evolution of the Porsche (car) design, from the early 1930's to today. The exhibition is made up of three parts:
scale models, placed on a sloping plane towards
current models ()
and wrapped in a projection on a 360° band near the ceiling.

The projections constists of stillimages and movies, not too spectacluar, but the 360° part is projected by a Projector mounted on a MovingHead - a technology pionered by me/shiftcontrol in 2010 :-)

(image credit:Porsche)